Democratizing US Healthcare: Price Transparency

See how social vulnerability affects the cost of healthcare across the country.


Uncover the Price of Care as a Function of Social Vulnerability

Unravel the relationship between healthcare costs and social vulnerability in your community using our interactive Tableau visualization. Select a social feature below to see the impact it has on the price of healthcare costs.

The Question of Profits Over Patients

The US healthcare system is a complex web of interdependent stakeholders, each with their own set of priorities and goals. The pursuit of profits by healthcare providers and insurance companies has led to a system that is often inefficient and costly, with the most vulnerable populations often bearing the brunt of these inefficiencies.

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A brief description of the image
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The Question of Social Vulnerability

How much variance in pricing is explainable through social and macro-economic factors?

In our modeling efforts, we utilize the CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) along with SDoH factors as instrumentals to better understand the complex interplay between social, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to variances in healthcare procedure costs across the US.

Our aim is to promote more efficient and cost-effective healthcare solutions that prioritize the needs of underprivileged communities, ensuring that the core values of hospitals are upheld and that the pursuit of profits does not overshadow their responsibility to serve those in need.

Below you will find an overview for one of the SVI datasources used from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/ATSDR).

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Visit our Data page to view all SDoH datasources used in our research.